Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Greetings from Nolan Feeny

Nolan Feeny, a young pianist from Okemos Michigan, performs "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" at River Terrace Church in East Lansing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Technical Warm-Up Exercises for the Pianist

Borah Han, an undergraduate piano performance major at Michigan State University and a student in my class in piano pedagogy, demonstrates and describes technical warm-up exercises that she recommends for the developing pianist.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Teaching Keyboard Geography

Stephen Armstrong, an undergraduate piano performance major at Michigan State University, demonstrates a lesson plan and game for teaching keyboard geography to a young student.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teaching Blues Piano

Daniel Bachelis, an undergraduate piano performance major and a student in MSU's undergraduate class in piano pedagogy, shows how to introduce simple blues improvisations to your students.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Beginning Piano Students at the Keyboard: Introducing Large and Small Muscle Groups

Justine Sasanfar discusses how to introduce the fundamental physical mechanisms that allow a student to healthfully and successfully make sound at the keyboard. Justine is a Master's Degree candidate in Piano Pedagogy and Collaborative Piano who played a stunning voice recital last night with works by Beethoven, Wolf, Debussy and Britten. I hope you enjoy her concise and refreshing instruction on the physical aspects of beginning piano technique.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Teaching 6/8 Meter to Young Pianists

Peter Liu, an undergraduate piano performance major and a student in MSU's undergraduate class in piano pedagogy, describes his preferred method for teaching 6/8 to a piano student.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Preparing The Body For Practice

Allie Nisbett is back demonstrating stretches and exercises that can be used by pianists to promote health and prevent injury. Stay tuned for more videos on topics in piano pedagogy from my students at MSU.